
Themis Tzimas


The present article debates the legitimacy of “uti possidtis” in light of the ongoing war in Ukraine. The war in Ukraine is not the first in the post-Soviet world. The dismantling of the USSR and the rapid birth of new states incited violence all over, at a large extent because of the way the borders were drawn in the post-Soviet era, in line with “uti possidetis” technique. ‘Uti possidetis’ constitutes a traditional method for the division of dissolved states into new ones, as well as of former colonies. What is examined in the present article is whether the specific way in which ‘uti possidetis’ was implemented in relation to Ukraine constituted a violation of self-determination, therefore -potentially- providing legitimacy to the Russian SMO.



Ukraine, Special Military Operation, Uti possidetis, Self- determination, state sovereignty, borders

Research Articles