About the Journal

The Journal of Religion, Culture and Public Life (JReCuPL) is an international academic journal following a double-blind review process. It promotes the study of the normative, communicative and symbolic aspects of religion in public life around the globe. JReCuPL encourages multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary research across the fields of sociology, law, political science, history, anthropology and education.

JReCuPL aims to present original scholarship on church-state relations, religious freedom, human rights, interfaith dialogue and cultural pluralism. It is published bi-annually (June and December) in English and is available online through an open-access platform. The first section of the journal includes academic contributions in the form of articles, while the second section hosts case comments, research notes and book reviews.

Journal’s Structure and Publishing Policy

The first section of the journal includes academic contributions in the form of articles. The second section of the journal hosts shorter papers, national reports focusing on developments which occurred during the previous year, case comments, case notes, and book reviews.

The journal’s Editorial Team reserves the right to pre-publish papers immediately upon completion of the peer-review process. Digital offprints of papers shall be sent to the author free of charge. Printed offprints may be published at the author’s request and provided the conditions set by the journal in casu are met.